I have been in full-time Christian ministry for over 30 years. I have seen it all (good and bad) and done most of it myself! I have read, studied, watched, listened to almost everything I have found on the topics of church ministry, leadership, team building, church growth, vision casting, planning, effective speaking … all that goes into ministry. I know it is very confusing and even contradictory at times … that’s why I have created these resources and opportunities for other pastors, leaders, and church planters. Contact me if I can be of help to you.
“Martin Trench has demonstrated a tenacity in situations that would make most leaders wither. His rational, methodical approach is bound to result in steady gains for those who follow him”
Carl George Author, church growth expert, former director of the Fuller Institute of Evangelism and Church Growth and former president of the American Society for Church Growth.

Two Mentorship Opportunities!
Now is the time to rebuild, relaunch, reposition, and revitalize your church!
2022 was our first “post-pandemic” year. Many churches have closed forever and many are on the brink of closing or struggling to survive, while others will reposition themselves to THRIVE … if God has called you to Lead, NOW is your time!
Why this course?
Yes, there are many “courses” and “coaching” opportunities for pastors and leaders, so why chose this one? Find out why
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Leadership Coaching, Mentorship & Support
For a number of years, I have been connecting with and giving advice and support to pastors and individuals around the world, on a one-to-one basis. Recently, that hasĀ mainly been happening online, and in order to keep up with the demand, I am making online coaching sessions available to anyone who wishes to connect with me. I believe this will be a worthwhile investment of your time, and that together, we are stronger.
Dr Martin Trench - author, pastor, teacher, coach
If you want coaching (for your church leadership, or as an individual) in the following areas:
- Discovering church growth principles
- Building an effective and fruitful Team
- Growing spiritually
- Becoming a better communicator
- Improving your Sunday Service
- Removing the stress of ministry
- Answers to theological questions
- Personal development and business strategies
"Martin Trench and Harold Eberle's book, Victorious Eschatology, is one of the most important books written in recent times. When I read what they have written there, a lightbulb went off in my head, and things became much clearer"
C. Peter Wagner (1930-2016. Former Professor of Church Growth at the Fuller Theological Seminary's School of World Missions, founder of Global Harvest Ministries, and recognised authority on Church Growth)
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