The next 3 months could transform your life and ministry, forever!
the NEHEMIAH course

9-week coaching-course
Now is the time to rebuild!
NOW is the time to Re-envision, Re-launch, and Re-build your church!
However your church (and the members of your congregation) responded to the covid restrictions that were imposed over the last few years, ALL OF US have experienced a major change in our churches.
It could be a high number of people who are still only “online” (and fast on their way to going totally "offline"), difficulty restarting ministries, less volunteers, or a lack of clarity about what to do and how to rebuild - it’s time to change that, because…
SOME CHURCHES ARE GOING TO CLOSE AND NEVER REOPEN some will remain open but will struggle for years, and others are going to REVIVE & THRIVE in the coming 3 years. Which one do you want to be?
I’m Martin Trench - an author, Bible teacher, Lead Pastor of a fast-growing church, and an apostolic leader & coach to other churches and pastors.
I have experience in being on a church staff, church planting, solo pastoring, leading a multi-staff church, and taking a church through a revitalization process which enabled us to break the 200, then 400, then 800 barrier (growing to well over 1,000 people).
I am also passionately committed to the power and work of the Holy Spirit, and I see “church growth” as the fulfillment of the Great Commission, and as a partnership between the leading and empowerment of the Holy Spirit AND the actions of wise, growing leaders. As Paul said:
“We are co-labourers together with God. And you are God’s building. By God’s grace to me, I have laid the foundation like a wise master builder” 1 Corinthians 3:9-15
For a number of years I have been consulting with other churches and pastors around the world, helping them to find God’s vision for their church, cast the vision in an inspiring manner, plan effectively to incrementally achieve the goals of their vision, build a functioning staff team, attract new people, make genuine disciples, launch healthy small groups & communities, raise up gifted leaders, and know what to do next!
Because I have been unable to visit churches internationally recently, I began to look for a way to continue to provide the help and support that pastors were looking for - that’s when I designed The NEHEMIAH course. It contains all that I would say and do if I was visiting your church as a consultant, plus more.
“Martin Trench has demonstrated a tenacity in situations that would make most leaders wither. His rational, methodical approach is bound to result in steady gains for those who follow him”
Carl George - author, church growth expert, former director of the Fuller Institute of Evangelism and Church Growth and former president of the American Society for Church Growth.
Sign up now!
Why THIS course?
I know, there are a LOT of courses and coaching out there for pastors and church leaders, so why this one?
For one, I have taken many of these courses, so I know from experience what is and isn’t helpful.
Also, I am one of you!
I am (still!) the Lead Pastor of a local church, as well as an apostolic coach to many churches and pastors. I am not a “professional consultant”, I am a practitioner. That’s why I designed this course as a hybrid of course and coaching - to both teach you and work with you.
Here is what you WON’T get from this course:
- Information overload (I won't just spew facts and leave you to sort it out)
- Specialist techniques (you're a pastor, not a tech or business guru)
- A lot of fluff and filler (everything non-essential is removed)
- A Program to run in your church (that would be helping me, but not you).
Here is what you WILL get:
- 9 weeks of video teachings (each on one specific topic)
- An Ebook to help you identify your issues and plan for improvements
- Four 60 minute video calls (1 at the start, and 1 after each 3 weeks) with Dr Trench that you can schedule at your convenience.
- A Private Facebook group with other pastors & leaders
- Weekly email access to Dr Martin Trench, for the duration of the course
What this course will do for you:
- Show you how to revitalize your church and relaunch your mission in a way that will generate excitement and commitment amongst your people, as well as attract new people.
- Make sure you are truly following God’s Vision for your church, and create a plan specifically to fulfil that vision.
- Simplify and streamline your church and ministry - what you do, how you do it and who you do it with, releasing burdens and burnout.
- Build a strong leadership and ministry team with the people you currently have - you can’t build with what you don’t have, and you have treasure you have never yet unearthed in many of your people.
- Create a small group network that suits your leadership style, your church's culture, and that people actually want to attend!
- How to design an inspiring, anointed, QUALITY Sunday service - where the atmosphere and culture make people want to come and stay.
- Break your next Growth Barrier - most churches stop at around 200, 400, or 800 people - we will look at each Barrier and the restructuring that will take you through it. You have life-access to this course, so when you need this information you will have it. You can also take your team through the course.
- Design a 3-year plan to achieve your vision step-by-step.You will never again be in a situation where you don’t know what to do next or feel overwhelmed by doing too much. Instead, you will grow in confidence as a leader as you gain valuable information about the steps you need to take, advice on how to do so in your unique situation, weekly coaching by myself and a mastermind group of other leaders pursuing a similar plan.
At the end of this course you will have a roadmap - every month of the next 3 years you will know exactly what you should be concentrating on month by month. You will find that stress, burnout, lack of clarity, competing visions (di-vision), and a “dull” church are now things of the past. Clarity and confidence will be the new attitude. It will begin to feel like the church is growing effortlessly “all by itself”, even growing while you sleep! This will also be a lifetime resource that you can come back to again and again, and use to train your Team.
The New Testament Church video course
A 4-part video course (almost 4 hours) on the structure of the church in the New Testament, and how the principles they built into their churches can apply to the 21st century. Mainly a theological foundation, with application.
Sign Up Now!ReVision - ReBuild - ReLaunch
and know with confidence what to do over the next 3 years
In three years time, will you be on the other side of your valley, or will you regret that you had an opportunity and didn’t take it?
I travel to churches as a consultant, so I know how expensive that can become.
I also know, compared to other courses and coaching available, this course is worth at least $3,500- $5,000 - however, as my purpose is to help as many leaders as possible, I am only charging $2,250. BUT …
Just to make things even easier for you: By being a part of the charter course, I am offering it at 50% discount for a limited period. Your church SHOULD have a budget line for your ongoing training (if they don’t, that’s something we will fix!).
Lead or Senior Pastors, staff pastors, apostolic leaders, 5-fold team members, and church planters are all invited to be a part of this opportunity.
Order Now: $2,250 special offer for Charter Course- only $1,125